Legislation Passed Subject to Appropriation

The Office of the Budget Director is responsible for circulating quarterly reports identifying the bills adopted to Council that are subject to inclusion in a budget and financial plan (otherwise known as “subject to appropriation”).

When a bill is passed subject to appropriation, it means the bill is not applicable and will not be implemented until the underlying costs of the measure are funded. For some measures, only portions of the bill are subject to appropriation, which allows the remaining provisions to be implemented.

Below are quarterly reports circulated by the Office of the Budget Director since October 2020.

2024 Quarterly Reports

  • January 2024 Report.

    Changes made since the last circulation are highlighted.

    Measures that are subject to repeal in the FY25 BSA (pursuant to rule 736) if they aren’t funded (in whole or in part) in the FY25 budget are also highlighted, as are those measures that will be subject to repeal in the FY26 BSA if they are not funded (in whole or in part) in the FY25 or FY26 budgets. Please see the color key at the bottom of each section.

2023 Quarterly Reports

  • October 15, 2023 quarterly report.

    New items are highlighted.

  • July 13, 2023 quarterly report.

    Changes made since the last circulation are highlighted. Please note that in pages 1-3, measures that were funded in the FY24 budget have been removed because the first section includes only those measures that currently remain unfunded. To see what measures were funded in the budget, please go to the second section, pages 4-23, and review the highlighted entries.

    The following information is included in the linked PDF:

    List of all currently unfunded (or partially unfunded) laws (pages 1-3)

    Complete list of all measures passed S2A since Council Period 13 (pages 4-23)

    Council Period 25 laws passed S2A (page 24)

    Council Period 24 laws passed S2A (pages 25-28)

    Council Period 23 laws passed S2A (pages 29-31)

    Council Period 22 laws passed S2A (pages 32-38)

2022 Quarterly Reports

2021 Quarterly Reports

  • October 15, 2021 quarterly report.

    Through the FY22 budget, the Council fully funded 31 measures and partially funded 4 others. In addition, pursuant to Council Rule 736, 11 S2A measures were repealed in the FY22 Budget Support Act. All of these items are highlighted in pale red.

  • July 15, 2021 quarterly report.

    As with the April 2021 report, legislation subject to repeal in the Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Support Act is highlighted in purple in the first section. The S2A laws that have been funded by the Mayor or the committees in the Fiscal Year 2022 budget and financial plan are highlighted in green.

  • April 2021 quarterly report.

    There is only one addition from the last circulation.

  • January 15, 2021 quarterly report.

    Pages 1-4 show only those measures that remain S2A as of January 15, 2021. Pages 5-22 include all measures originally passed S2A. Pages 23-26 list the measures passed S2A in Council Period 23 and pages 27-33 reflect measures passed S2A in Council Period 22.

    For each section, the entries that have changed since the October circulation have been highlighted. In addition, on tab 1, legislation subject to repeal in the upcoming Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Support Act is highlighted in purple.

    As of this date, 63 measures remain subject to funding.

    In CP23, 53 bills passed S2A:

    • 12 were fully funded in the FY21 budget

    • 2 expired (emergency and temporary legislation)

    • 39 remain unfunded:

    ◦ 36 of those were enacted after the FY21 budget was approved

    ◦ 1 will be funded by a reprogramming the Mayor has committed to

    ◦ 13 are only partially S2A

    In CP22, 90 bills passed S2A:

    • 56 have been fully funded

    • 1 was certified as funded by the OCFO

    • 1 expired (emergency legislation)

    • 12 were repealed (of which 10 were repealed outright and for the remaining 2, only the unfunded portions were repealed)

    • 20 remain unfunded (of which 6 have been funded in part and 3 were funded by Council in FY20 and subsequently unfunded by the Mayor in the FY21 budget)

    • 14 are subject to repeal in the FY22 BSA

2020 Quarterly Reports