Check out our budget dashboards!

Good Morning: On Monday we launched our new website and yesterday we sent out our first tweet from @dccouncilbudget (thanks to our first 147 followers as of 9:39 am).  Today we encourage you to take a look at the pilot, interactive dashboards featured on our website.  We created these dashboards with the goal of increasing transparency while reducing the difficulty of understanding agencies’ budgets and expenditures. We chose DCPS and DOES for our pilot launch, and plan to add others in the future.  

These dashboards include data visualizations on budget, expenditures, vendors, human resources, and programmatic data in a streamlined manner. For example, you can now review individual schools’ information between FY2015 – FY2018 in just one click. Also, these dashboards include data on budget changes (increases and decreases) throughout the fiscal years by each month. This should reflect all budget modifications and reprogrammings for all fund types.

We sincerely hope these tools are helpful to you. We want to make things better and better – please send us your comments and suggestions on how we can improve our site for you.


Thank you!  Jen Budoff